An Exciting Week. Phew! πŸ’πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

So last week was very busy, engaging and exciting, since I was finally moving my stuff from Nextcloud to Photoprism and Seafile. And also, I had installed Minetest on my server and many of my friends and relatives came in to join me to build some cool things together. It couldn’t have been any better than this!

Seafile and Photoprism

Amidst all the chaos with my file synchronisation and Ecosystematic-Wall with Nextcloud, it was probably the best decision to move to Seafile and Photoprism. I spent the last week testing things and they turned out well and I quite like them!

Seafile and Photoprism are amazing in their respective domains and they have their own issues to solve in their own domains. So arguably that makes the platform better and better with time. I have a lot of hopes on both of these services since they have made my life so much easier with file storage and photos/videos organisation.

However, Photoprism lacks multi account support as of now (its on the roadmap) and I’m hopeful for this release since the service is already very neat and polished!

What Test? MINETEST!!

I just love minetest! I had played the game before, but boy oh boy! when it’s paired with other players who are your friends and relatives in your own server, the fun is almost ten folds than that of single player. I kind-of hate myself for not trying it out during the lockdown since this would have been a fun way to virtually meet my buddies (I hope).

Better late than never! Now I have finally created a world and I have added tons of mods to the server and made it customisable to my needs. Just in case you want to build one for yourself, you can find the mod info here. I will eventually open it to the world once I learn how to moderate the server better. I want my world to be a fun filled place, I just gotta learn to be a good admin :)

And I hope you are having a nice day, or nice night, depending on where you are reading from :)

Categorized Under #SelfHostedExperiments

Tags : #Nextcloud #Photoprism #Seafile #Minetest

Timestamp : #June2021