maxvel's markups


This page lists all the tags being used in the blog so that the posts can be easily navigated. In other words, this page satisfies my perpetual need to look back at my past and laugh at my stupidity!


Originally Posted on Jan 20, 2018

Categorised under #HowTo

I have been using Koa.js for a while now and it turns out to be great. I’m having a lot of fun playing around with it since its simple and configurable. And I was searching for a ground up way to execute file uploads so that I can tweak its functionality however I want to. And it turns out, It’s not as difficult as I thought. Before going forward, I’m assuming you have a basic knowledge of how to setup basic Koa.js server with routers since it’s being covered in so many articles. So I’ll be skipping the server setup with routers. Click here if you want to go through an article that covers the same. So, Lets get coding.


Originally Posted on Jan 10, 2018

Categorised under #HowTo

Docker! Sounds fancy and simple but trust me it has revolutionized how the tech industry builds, ships and deploys the applications lately. Docker is basically a mini-operating system where you build and run your applications which is totally isolated from the native operating system in your computer, and the same container can be deployed in the hosting platforms. If you are new to docker and want to learn more about its intricacies, i highly encourage you to go through the links given in the end of this article to learn more about it. So let’s get right in :)